Challenge Pit

This is not what I think but why

Monday, February 20, 2006

bird flu; north of Iran. nevertheless, Iranian pinoccios deny it

Murphy's Laws

Saturday, February 18, 2006

300 reasons to prove the existence of their God

after conquerring the embassy (assisted by the armed force), the molla_sorry, one of the anonymous soldiers of Imam Zaman, is getting back to report his victory

it is claimed that the people attacking Danish Embassy in Teheran have been "foreigners"!!!

Friday, February 17, 2006

is this molla really defending Islam by climbing the Danish Embessy in Teheran? or is he thinking of fame and fringe benefit?




In salt or insult?

have a look at the second photo. These paid street-girls are going to help their legendary Twelfth Imam to save the world... by murdering the-other-thinkers (non-conformists)

The Right to Blaspheme

peaceful utility of nuclear weapons!!!!

Who attacked Danish Embassy?

It's an impossibility to remain sane with this much cheeky propaganda

Bird Flu: Forbidden sickness

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Een man ging een lening vragen bij zijn bankier. Die zei:
-- Eigenlijk zou ik je aanvraag moeten afwijzen, maar ik zal je een eerlijke kans geven. ik heb een glazen oog. Als je me kunt zeggen welk oog dat is, krijg je de lening.
De man bestudeerde de ogen van de bankdirecteur gedurende enkele ogenblikken en zei toen:
-- Uw rechteroog.
-- Inderdaad, zei de directeur, hoe weet je dat?
-- Het leek me sympathieker.

onderwijzer: Peter, zeg me eens, wie van jullie is gisteren in mijn appelboom geklommen om appels te stelen?
Peter: Ik hoor u niet goed, meestern hier op de achterste bank.
onderwijzer: Dat zullen we wel eens zien. kom eens hier, neem plaats op mijn stoel. ik zal aan jouw lessenaar gaan zittten en dan mag jij me een vraag stellen.
Ze wisselen van plaats en Peter doet wat hem opgedragen is.
Peter: Meester, wie heeft gisterennacht met mijn zus geslapen?
onderwijzer: Je hebt volkomen gelijk, Peeter, hier achteraan kun je echt niks verstaan.

Friday, February 03, 2006


ما انقلاب كرديم يا انقلاب ما را

ya ali

با توجه به فرمایش آقای خزعلی مبنی براستفاده ازتصویرامام علی به جای چراغ سبزراهنمایی رانندگی واهمیت ائمه اطهاردرفرهنگ اسلامی ودرراستای گسترش فرهنگ غنی اسلامی موارد زیرجهت استفاده بهینه ازائمه پیشنهاد می‌گردد.تغییرنامها ارگانها واشخاص درجمهوری اسلامی.رهبرمعظم انقلاب: بزرگ علی کمیته امداد امام: گدا علی سازمان محیط زیست: سبزعلی سازمان بهشت زهرا: عروجعلی اداره برق: چراغعلیسازمان آب: آبعلی شرکت سهامی شیروفرآورده‌های لبنی: شیرعلی کمیته بررسی وارزشیابی وزارت ارشاد: نظرعلی وزارت حج و اوقاف: قربانعلی ستاد امربه معروف ونهی ازمنکر: شرف علی بانک مرکزی جمهوری اسلامی: برات علی وزارت دادگستری: انصافعلی سازمان غله کشور: شاطرعلی سازمان حمایت ازایتام: کرمعلی کمیته ازدواجهای دانشجویی: عشقعلی شورای نگهبان: حفیظ علی رئیس مجلس شورای اسلامی: غلامعلی ( که البته هست!) احمد جنتی: رئیس علی ایران: علی آباد شرکت ایران خودرو: ممدلی (با توجه به آشنائی ایرانی‌ها با ماشین مشدی ممدلی که نه بوق دارد نه صندلی پیشنهاد گردیده است

superstitions _ the end of everything


Thursday, February 02, 2006

my life: an open-ended pendulous challenge

In every young person's life there comes a time when a commitment must be made as to what they want to do with the rest of their life.
The subversive achievements marking the unavailability and un-get-at-ability of a finalised perfected "will" explicitly depict the being and existence of a far more powerful force with a thousand different faces and phases whose stentorian sonorous voice we fail to hear.
Each time an achievement is met, a part of life is taken away only to remind us that transcending a will necessitates materialising a confrontation with an internecine menace.
What makes, then, a man man is not conquering the minatory forces but to sisyphusly working out a stratedy to delay the dilatory inevitable until our impending hour finds us fully armed and ready to leave ungrugingly.
But then who knows what lies in ambush in the long journey from the womb to the tomb to be able to make a commitment and a decision so as to what he should do in future? I'd better stand corrected: by opting a choice we deprive ourselves of all other alternatives. We make a decision out of a tentative consciousness of the context and zoooooooooom we go. Seems the outcome is independent of our attention.....