I got in a bit earlier and to my surprise saw so many ahead of me.
One of the problems we have is the sound of the participants from IRan. I stood in line to talk and said a word on it.
A-Tamadon asks us to cut things brief. Now he officially starts the panel which is to be started with
ethics of blogging.
Majid as the speaker, Majid Zohari, decides to talk over the discipline in this room. we are presently 60 in the room. he says everybody has only 3 minutes to speak. there are some journalists and reporters from different agencies in the room.
Ethics of blogging: we can't stick to it as blogging is an imaginary world, but the question is what kind of literature we need to adapt. does the blogger have the ability to write what he/she wants. he also invites others to take the thread of narrative.
Majid Zohari continues: as a blogger who is writing for a year, I have noticed that some visitors to different weblogs using my id (identity theft) to say shameful things . what we should do is to purge that comment if the real person contacts you and informs of the mischief.
Hoder enters the room??????????????????????????
Veysabadi has taken the mic for a minute now but the only thing we hear is silence.
I guess it's better to set a preparatory session for those who don't know how to work with paltalk.
Farid_15 although can't be heard well but says the issue is that we shouldn't insult others, and never should we forget that writing in a blog isn't a big deal.
hossein derakhshan is taking the mic now. let's see what he is saying:
he excuses himself for not coming to the room last week, he says that he didn't go to Daryoosh concert. he says that he doesn't have a single minute of Daryoosh in his house!
paknevis (neat copy): in ceber-net it's difficult to judge a person by his writings in a blog (comments), we can't see the person.
Ali 5936 says I am a blogger for 3 years. during this time I have had ups and downs, the bad points never dismayed me. but to be honest we Iranians have problem with ethics. weblog is just a way to express one's ideas nothing more nothing less.
Iraj-Mirzad: it's half an hour I am listening to the room. I see that mostly have technical problems. ethics of comment writing shouldn't be taken so seriously. the writer writes impulsively and may later get remorse. however it is important as it mirrors others' reactions to our writings.
Hadi in offside makes a dichotomy of weblogs, those who write for the public, ... [sound breaks].... Tamadon cuts him and says he had good things to say but pity that the sound is distubing.
Khorshidkhanoom says we should leave it to the blogger himself/herself to decide whether to publish disgrace comments or not. and when someone does so we shouldn't hail him/her as one who censors others' comments.
Bijan Safsari is also here. wow. I didn't know it. when I was in Iran I had heard that he was a great translator. I have my doubts if he is the same person. he even translated my driving licence.
Omidhabibinia says I don't need to be introduced. what does it mean? is he famous or what? I have never heard of him. anyway he says that when the regime is free of tension traces and hunts the bloggers....
Pantea says khorshidkhanoom is right, it's my ship and I am its captain. she says some of these commnetators are your blood enemies. she says I can come to terms with positive encouraging comments, let's say with negative ones, too. ...cooool
she makes a bargain over the time and sulks ... she is not speaking for 5 minutes.
Tamadon says pantea has especial priority and to my comment asking what that means he replies I was joking baba!!
Tamadon : Borjian if you want to speak show it with one two.
Borjian: 12
Tamadon:on: I meant one two. only one two.
Borjian: 12
Tamadon: dear I meant type only a two.
Borjian: a 2
Tamadon: who is next? :)
Bijan Safsari: ethics of (hardly heard) comment writing is not to be limited to ethics in journalism.... no voice... he is never heard again.
Shabgard: hi...........( 5minutes later).... I ...say...........
the room has a problem because people can't speak. meanwhile I am chatting with some friends;
you know what he told me? I say,
he told me we can't change the world
that's right
we should only address the issue and touch it for a moment.
the room is closed.
saaye-aabi is speaking. what a nice voice, wow. I seems to know this girl. what a warm voice.
she is the writer of two weblogs. let's see.
Sineh chak: I am tired of waiting. It's two hours I want to say a word nobody pays any attention to me. suddenly someone jumps and snaches the mic from him. Tamadon shouts :baba, don't cross eachother.
Sineh chak who seems to be hopeless leaves...
1ghatre says I wanted to express my points but my parents are back home from cinema and I can't say anything else. did she want to say anything she didn't dare before her parents.....?
and as usual the voice problem.
webgardi: do you have my voice?
no sound for a minute
ok , good
no sound for a minute
Tamadon gets the mic.
farshadb2001 denies anything called ethics of blogging. even blasphemy is ok....
Alius says why don't we look at the positive side of commenting? it can be instructive.
sinehchak: fewer comments, better life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the session ends without a concluding remark: we are Iranians!